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(At least 9 characters.)
(It contains 3 or more in lower-case, upper-case, numbers and special symbols)

(Your official organisational e-mail address)

(Other contact e-mail address)

(Agency, Administration, Institution, Center, etc.)

(Division, Department, Group, Branch, etc.)
(Please provide us in detail)

At present access to the site is limited to Global Producing Centres (GPCs), Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) and bodies coordinating Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs) - as designated or recognised by the World Meteorological Organisation as well as to National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs). Please indicate below the classification(s) most relevant to your organisation.

1. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

Purpose of
Collection and use
  - To provide customized information;
  - To manage website membership, such as maintaining a membership database, member identification, and transmitting announcements; and
  - To gauge and improve the effectiveness of the website and services, research reports
Required Optional
  Username, Password,
  Security Question & Answer,
and position

2. Personal Information Retention Period
    - Two years (Where a user consents to the provision of his/her personal information until your withdrawal from our website)

3. You have the right to refuse the collection of your personal information. However, if you do not approve of our information collection policy, you cannot sign up for our website services at this time.

4. If the service is not used for one year, the account of the user is converted to a dormant state.

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